Sunday, February 4, 2007

Trust in ADO.NET

In reviewing some C# code for a project at work, I'm constantly running across the following construct in the code (and this is from different developers, not just one):

DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sConn, CommandType.StoredProc, sProc, aParams);
// ... snip ...
DataRow row = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
int someInt = Int32.Parse(row["intColumn"].ToString());

Now, while this code works like you would expect, there's still something wrong with it. You're basically wasting cycles on mindless conversions.

Whenever you use ADO.NET DataRow objects, it is true that the return from the indexer is a generic Object, so something needs to happen to get the result into a strongly-typed value. But, if the database column is a SQL int, ADO.NET already returned you an Int32!

What's written above is basically the same as this:

int a = 1;
int b = Int32.Parse(a.ToString());

You're wasting cycles first converting the Int32 to a String and then using Int32.Parse to get it back to the Int32 that it was in the first place. Trust in ADO.NET!

DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sConn, CommandType.StoredProc, sProc, aParams);
// ... snip ...
DataRow row = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
int someInt = (int)row["intColumn"];

There we go, much better. If you want something that feels a little "safer" than a direct cast, feel free to use Convert.ToInt32; it at least knows not to waste time doing needless conversions if it's already passed an Int32.

As a final thought, I'll leave you this completely failed code to think about:

DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sConn, CommandType.StoredProc, sProc, aParams);
// ... snip ...
DataRow row = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
bool someBool = (row["bitColumn"].ToString() == "1");

(Hint: The reason this code didn't work like the developer expected is because the DataRow already returned a Boolean.)

Merge Modules

In my previous post, I mentioned a method for automating the addition of features (specifically properties) to a Windows Installer package generated by Visual Studio. After doing some more research, I encountered the wonderful land of merge modules.

Merge modules are just what they sound like; they allow you to merge features into a Windows Installer package that you are creating. Among other things, you can set default properties by including a Property table in the merge module.

Creating a merge module is not difficult but requires a bit of knowledge. Once again, you need the lovely Orca tool from the Windows Platform SDK.

Orca, from what I found, doesn't seem to be able to create a blank merge module template. So I had to do it by hand. Starting with a blank new file, you will need to add the following schema:

ComponentComponentXString (72)N
ComponentId String (38)Y
Directory String (72)N
Attributes Short IntN
Condition String (255)Y
Key Path String (72)Y
DirectoryDirectoryXString (72)N
Directory_Parent String (72)Y
Default_Dir Local String (255)N
FeatureComponentsFeature_XString (38)N
Component_ String (72)N
ModuleComponentsComponentXString (72)N
ModuleIDXString (72)N
LanguageXShort IntN
ModuleSignatureModuleIDXString (72)N
LanguageXShort IntN
Version String (32)N

Some of these tables are predefined in Orca, so you won't need to enter all of them by hand. Most of the tables don't actually have to have data, they just need to exist for the file to be considered a valid merge module.

The only table that requires data is the ModuleSignature table. It must contain at least one row identifying the merge module. The format for the ModuleID is a GUID separated by underscores (_). The Language is 1033 for US English; you will need to look this code up if you are using other locales. Version is the typical Windows Installer version format: n.nn.nnnn.

Once you have that basic structure in place, you can enter your additions into the merge module. The merge module can have pretty much anything a full install package can have. Once you're done, save the file with a .msm extension. You can then go in to Visual Studio and add the merge module to your deployment project.

Technically, there is one more thing you really should have in your merge module: a _Validation table. While not strictly necessary for use, this table is used by Orca to run validation against the merge module.

One caveat I did find with using a merge module to preset properties in deployment project builds: you can't use a merge module to override existing entries in the Property table. You can only create new properties. I was able to get the majority of the setup I wanted done automatically, I still have to go in a manually edit my final .msi file to accommodate all of my requirements.